A – Subscription to the ANZBP
The Australian and New Zealand Biosolids Partnership (ANZBP) is a name adopted by the Australian Water Association Limited (AWA) for a business unit to service industry needs for action on biosolids.
Subscription to ANZBP provides access to:
- ANZBP website and its resources
- ANZBP research products
- Attendance at ANZBP events
- Legal advice provided by ANZBP legal partners
Subscribers must ensure that their ANZBP website username and password remain con dential at all times since the Subscriber is entirely responsible for all use and activities associated with or arising from any use of their username and password (regardless of whether such use was authorised).
Subscribers must notify AWA immediately of any suspect or any unauthorised use of a Subscribers username and password.
Subscribing organisations may seek additional individual usernames and passwords for employees.
B – Subscription Period and Payment
The period of subscription is three years. Subscribers can make payment on subscription on either an annual basis, or pay for the full three years upon original subscription.
The ANZBP subscription rates speci ed in this subscription agreement are those current at the date of subscription, and are subject to variation by AWA from time to time.
Organisations will pay full annual subscription fees upon subscribing to the ANZBP.
C – Application of funds
The ANZBP business unit will collect contributions from supporters, plus any other funds intended for its operation, and will use those funds to provide ANZBP services, based on advice of the ANZBP Advisory Board and subscribers.
Where possible, surplus funds will be applied to further ANZBP initiatives based on advice of the ANZBP Advisory Board.
Ultimately subscription funds are the property of AWA, and AWA maintains the right to apply surplus funds for other purposes.
D – Roles and responsibilities
AWA is the legal entity under which ANZBP activities are carried out, the ultimate authority (and hence nal decision-making power) for ANZBP is AWA’s board of directors.
Day to day running of the ANZBP will be undertaken by the ANZBP Program Manager under the ultimate oversight of the AWA Board,
The ANZBP Project Manager will be supported with advice on specific matters provided by an Advisory Board, consisting of ANZBPsubscribers.
The Advisory Board provides advice on and review of the operation of ANZBP’s to ensure that it covers the most appropriate needs of thewider Australian water industry.
The Advisory Board will report to the AWA Board regularly on the activities of the ANZBP Advisory Board, the success of the ANZBP and anymatters for consideration by the AWA Board on further development of the ANZBP.
E – Privacy
AWA will not disclose Subscriber information to third parties, without rst having asked permission of Subscribers.
F – Termination or cancellation of subscription
Subscribers may cancel their subscription by contacting the ANZBP Project Manager. Where a subscription is cancelled, it will continue in effect (i.e. access to ANZBP resources will exist) until the end of the Financial Year in which the Subscriber had payed fees.
AWA may immediately cancel your subscription, without notice or liability, if it determines that: (i) you have breached any portion of these Subscription Terms or the general terms and conditions for use of ANZBP or (ii) your use of or access to the ANZBP violates any applicable law or regulation or otherwise inhibits any other subscriber from using or accessing ANZBP resources or any other service offered by AWA.
G – Amendment to these terms and conditions
AWA retains the right to amend the terms and conditions of subscription from time to time without notice. Any substantive changes will first be considered by the ANZBP Advisory Board where this is reasonably practicable from AWA’s perspective.