Dependent on your location within Australia and New Zealand, the regulations impacting upon biosolids management will vary. Please see below for links to relevant regulations.
When making decisions about your approach to biosolids management you must ensure you are following the most up to date regulations. If in doubt please contact your state regulator for advice.
New Zealand Guidelines
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
The ACT Government Environment and Planning Directorate account for biosolids management in the ACT Waste Management Strategy: Towards a sustainable Canberra 2011–2025
New South Wales (NSW)
The New South Wales Environmental Protection Authority are currently reviewing their 1997 Environmental Guidelines on the Use and Disposal of Biosolids Products. The ANZBP is a stakeholder in this review, and so will bring you regular updates as this process progresses.
The NSW EPA also provide further information on biosolids via their website
Northern Territory (NT)
The NT Health Department employs the November 2004 National Guidelines for Sewerage Systems Biosolids Management.
Queensland (Qld)
In January 2019 Queensland commenced use of an End of Waste Code for Biosolids under the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011. The Code has been amended for use as of January 2020 and the amended Code can be found via this link.
South Australia (SA)
The Environmental Protection Agency – South Australia guidelines on the safe handling and reuse or disposal of biosolids can be found via their website.
Victoria (Vic)
EPA Victoria (2004), Guidelines for Environmental Management. Biosolids Land Application Environment Protection Authority Victoria, Publication 943, Melbourne.
Western Australia (WA)
DEC WA (2012), ‘Western Australian Guidelines for Biosolids Management’.