The ANZBP Advisory Committee has opened applications for 6 vacancies on the committee with new members to take up the role from November 2024. A standard term on the Committee is 3 years with the option to extend for one year after that or to resign from the Committee at any time.
The ANZBP Advisory Committee is a voluntary position serving the industry by directing the activities of the ANZBP. There is no remuneration associated with the position and committee members may need permission from their employer to attend half-day committee meetings approximately quarterly. Meetings are held around Australia and New Zealand, often in association with ANZBP technical seminars, however, for those who can’t travel, a dial-in option is always available. Committee members report that the meetings are enormously valuable for their professional work and the ANZBP is happy to support potential committee members to seek support for involvement from their employers.
Applications close on 13 November 2024. Please take the time to read the documents below, which outline the roles and responsibilities of Committee members. Please keep applications to a maximum of 5 pages and direct your application and any enquiries to the ANZBP Officer at the AWA, Locus Liu
Applicants must work for a subscribing member of the ANZBP to be eligible for these positions. If you are unsure whether or not your employer subscribes to the ANZBP, please visit ANZBP Partner page.
Who are the ANZBP Advisory Committee?
ANZBP was created by the industry to facilitate collaboration and connectivity, and drive forward projects that support our members and further the interests of the biosolids sector as a whole. The ANZBP Advisory committee is a group of up to 10 volunteers who direct the activities of the Partnership. Their goal is to ensure that the direction of the partnerships and the specific projects we undertake offer maximum benefit to our membership. It is a vibrant team full of passion, expertise and a commitment to the sector and all who contribute to it.
Find out about the current members of the Advisory Committee here.
What do I need to know before applying to become a member of the ANZBP Advisory Committee?
Before making an application please take the time to read the following documents carefully:
ANZBP Advisory Committee Role and Responsibility
Additionally please consider the following questions:
- Am I able to commit the time needed to be successful in this role? This role requires a commitment of around 5-10 hours per month, increasing around event and meeting times (approx 3 times per year). Most of this will involve answering emails, engaging in online discussions with other committee members and the wider membership and reviewing documents. In order to provide stability for the membership, we ask that you intend to commit to volunteering in this role for a term of 3 years.
- Does my employer support my application? To be considered for this role your organisation must be an ANZBP member for the financial year 2024/25. To attend meetings and fully participate in the advisory board, your employer must be highly supportive of this valuable professional development opportunity.
- Will my employer fund my participation? No remuneration is available for this volunteer role, and ANZBP does not fund travel or accommodation to attend meetings except in exceptional circumstances. You are welcome to self-fund, but we advise discussing financing your travel with your employer.
How do I submit my application?
Please download our 2024 ANZBP Advisory Committee Nomination Form, complete and submit it to the Program Manager by the 13 November 2024.
If you have any questions or would like to talk to an existing member of the advisory board about their experiences, please get in touch with the Program Manager to discuss.