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Sustainability Framework

The ANBZP is committed to the sustainable management of biosolids. To guide our deliberations and actions we have adopted The Natural Step™ as a well documented sustainability framework. Information on The Natural Step™ can be found below.

The Natural Step™ Sustainability Framework

Biosolids, Sustainability and the Precautionary Principle

In recent years, certain rural municipalities in Québec have banned the application of municipal biosolids on municipal land, a decision they often justify by citing the precautionary principle. However, case law in 2011 established that such bans do not fall under municipal jurisdiction. But, the question remains, what is the result of applying the precautionary principle to land application of biosolids?

Biosolids Application and the Precautionary Principle: Comparison with Current Agricultural Practices

Marc Hébert, Agr., M. Sc., Service des matières résiduelles, Ministère du Développement durable, de
l’Environnement et des Parcs

(The French original version of this article was published in the magazine Vecteur Environnement, September 2011.)